UPDATE: MmeMoxie suggests in the comments that you download the freeware Iconoid program and use the “Save Icon Positions (relative)” and “Restore Icon Positions Now” option. TIP: Go here if your Desktop Icons are not working. You can resize icons on the desktop, display the desktop icons text on the side and quickly hide or unhide them. There are several other interesting things you can do with your desktop icons. This tip can also be useful if your Desktop icons rearrange and move after reboot. TaskBarX is a popular app that sits calmy at the system tray of Windows 10 and it’s designed to hold your icons, shortcuts, and open apps at the bottom of your screen. Now no theme will be able to change your favorite icons automatically. Close the Personalization window and allow the changes to take effect.Here, uncheck the Allow themes to change desktop icons option,.Under Related Settings, click on Desktop icon settings to open its configuration box.The Personalization settings app will open.In the Themes tab of the Personalization window, select. Right-click on an empty area on your Windows desktop, and click on Personalize. Right click on any empty space on the desktop and select Personalize from the drop-down menu.